Speaker Paul Ryan must ignore MoveOn's petition against Devin Nunes.

    Americans all across the U.S. are becoming ever more aware of how corrupt the federal government was under President Obama, and, in particular, how corrupt the FBI and the DOJ became and still are. Unfortunately there are activist groups that, believe it or not, are trying to prevent this corruption from being exposed and prevent the corrupt government officials from being held accountable. One of those groups is MoveOn and MoveOn just put out a petition against Representative David Nunes at https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/devin-nunes-must-be-removed That petition contains a lot of inflammatory political rhetoric along with claimed facts that aren't supported by evidence that anyone can find from reputable news sources or even government websites. So far, MoveOn's petition has ensnared over 44,000 dupes as of January 31, 2018. This petition is a counter response to MoveOn's petition and is requesting that Speaker Paul Ryan ignore MoveOn's petition.
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