Call for Sunway Lagoon to relocate the animals in their theme park to safer and more suitable locati

  • par: E.C.
  • destinataire: Dr.Jeffrey Cheah, Sunway Group

Every day, the theme park Sunway Lagoon is open to thousands of people. These people are entertained by rides, attractions and music. What sort of attractions? Wild animals in enclosed spaces and cages. These poor animals have to spend every day (sometimes even at night) being exposed to blaring music and the loud sounds such as the rides and people screaming around them. Think about those animals. Especially those who have sensitive hearing.

Don't you find it annoying to have to listen to loud music and screaming when you visit a theme park? Imagine how the WILD ANIMALS feel. Even at night when the poor animals can try to get some rest, loud music from the nearby clubs and pubs disrupt their rest, and even in some occasions, Sunway Lagoon will be a venue for concerts, which is more light and sound to further irritate the animals. 

All these sounds not only stresses the animals out, it makes them very agitated as it is very unlike their natural habitat which is not as noisy as this.

I appreciate the efforts of conservation that Sunway Group is carrying out,but it is more logical to build a conservation park for all these animals instead of cramming them in a theme park space. You don't need live animals to educate the public about them, so please sign this petition and boycott the theme park until the Sunway animals are relocated to a better environment.


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