Ban Fracking in George Washington National Forest!
George Washington National Forest is the largest federally protected natural green space on the east coast of the United States. So why has it become a target for fracking?
Betraying their intentions, big gas and oil have dug in their heels against a United States Forest Service proposal to protect the forest from being fractured by dangerous gas mining. So obviously the oil and gas industry DOES plan to tap this forest for gas. Fracking is a dangerous technology that could endanger the water quality for 247,000 people who live in the vicinity of the forest.
The USFS wants to ban fracking on this beautiful, unspoiled resource, but they need to hear from you during this comment period! Tell them you support the fracking ban!
We the undersigned wish first to thank you for proposing a ban on fracking in George Washington National Forest. Your bravery could lead to protections for other important public lands.
So, during this comment period, we wish to send the strongest possible message that we support the proposed ban on fracking in this forest. Americans need to find ways to meet their energy needs that do not pose a danger to water quality, soil quality, and wildlife. Fracking in George Washington National Forest could compromise the water quality of 247,000 people who live nearby.
Again, we thank you for this proposed ban and ask that you follow through and enact it.