Demand Scott Pruitt resign for his lawless abuses as Trump's EPA chief!

  • par: OD Action
  • destinataire: EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt

Over 170 lawmakers have now called for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt's resignation, who is now under at least 10 federal investigations for flagrant misuse of public funds.

Even by Trump barrel bottom standards, this corruption is egregious. Pruitt must resign!

Frankly, Pruitt already shouldn't be EPA Director after pulling the United States out of the Paris climate agreement (even though his job is, you know, to protect the environment). But now, his exorbitant expenses paid by taxpayers have become public: $3 million spent on personal security, expensive hotels and first-class flights, scheduling meetings in vacation spots...and installing a $43,000 sound-proof booth in his office.

And it seems he's spent more time cozying up with anti-environment donors than he has doing his job: renting a condo for just $50/night from the wife of an oil and gas lobbyist, and a shady relationship with the National Mining Association, both now under investigation.

Democrats AND Republicans are calling for Scott Pruitt's resignation, and so should all of us.

Add you name to demand Scott Pruitt resign immediately as EPA Administrator.

And when Pruitt finally flies home, he needs to fly coach.


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