France – Demand National Ban Practice of Shoving Pipes down Bird Throats for Foie Gras

  • par: Sue Lee
  • destinataire: Prime Minister Manuel Valls

There are several French foie gras factory farms where geese and ducks are specifically raised for this purpose – to create the delicacy of foie gras.  What many people are not aware of is the abuse that these animals go through for this reason. Foie gras is a fatty liver in the birds that is caused when pipes are rammed down their throats twice daily, pumping nearly 2.2 pounds of fat and grain in this force feeding method. Read more about this concern at

Many areas of our country engage in this horrific practice, including France and this abuse must be stopped and banned.  The process involves ramming a pipe down the animals’ throats that often ruptures organs, causes lumpy type tumors and creates extreme stress for the animals.  Some have been witnessed bleeding from their mouths and their stress caused them to pull out their feathers and that of other birds in their enclosures.  Some other health issues included fungal infections, heat stress, damage to their esophagus, fractures of their sternum, impaired liver function and various lesions on the bodies.

Our efforts in this petition is to speak out to the French government and strongly encourage an immediate ban on this practice of shoving pipes down the bird’s throats to create the fatty liver and delicacy known as foie gras.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.  No animal should be treated in this manner for any reason.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls - We strongly urge you to place a full ban on the practice of ramming pipes down the throats of geese, ducks and other birds for the purpose of creating Foie Gras.  This is supposed to be a delicacy that causes a fatty liver through this procedure, clearly abusive and cruel to these animals.  Several known French poultry farms utilize this horrific practice that causes lumpy type tumors and creates extreme stress for the animals.  Some have been witnessed bleeding from their mouths and their stress caused them to pull out their feathers and that of other birds in their enclosures.  Some other health issues included fungal infections, heat stress, damage to their esophagus, fractures of their sternum, impaired liver function and various lesions on the bodies. Ban this practice country-wide and ensure any such farms are regulated and monitored to enforce complete humane treatment of these animals.


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