Dear Karen Bass

    Please stand with your constituents and consider helping the plight of homeless animals in Los Angeles.

    Gandhi once said, “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Thousands of healthy and adoptable dogs and cats are killed every year in Los Angeles. Every day, innocent dogs & cats are brought to Los Angeles shelters, and many of them are killed within a few days. Common reasons for dumping these pets include, landlord issues, personal problems, and cost. With the current economic issues, more pets are expected to enter animal shelters due to homelessness and inflation.

    About 3million shelter animals are euthanized every year in the United States. Los Angeles is one of the top 5 cities with the highest number of our nation’s shelter killing of dogs and cats (Best Friends Sanctuary). There is an average of 72 hour window of hope for an animal left at a shelter (Rescue Paw Foundation). 96% of Americans report a moral duty to protect animals and city leaders should support laws that do so (The No Kill Advocacy Center). Some states like Delaware, have become the first no-kill shelter state- Los Angeles must do the same! No healthy, adoptable pet should ever be killed! There are many things that Los Angeles can do to help these pets.

    Please help save our pets in Los Angeles with:

    · Low cost vet clinics

    Low cost spay & neuter programs & vaccines

    · Tax deductions for pet owners to defray pet costs

    · Landlord incentives for allowing pets in apartments

    · No kill shelters- LA can do this!

    · Pet education programs in schools

    · Partner with Veteran hospitals and programs to assist our vets

    · Partner with senior care homes for therapy animals

    · Partner with nonviolent prisoners for pet training

    · Recycle rescue dogs as police canines (Texas & Arizona already have successful programs)

    · Database with penalties for animal abusers, negligent owners, and pet dumpers

    · Animal welfare checks in problematic areas

    · Increase media coverage to ensure these pets are adopted (TV, online ads, social media)

    Thank you for your consideration.
    We put our trust and hope in you.
    With Compassion and determination we can make the needed changes and save innocent animals.

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