Stop Disruptive Music Festivals at this Racecourse From Harming the Horses

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Victorian Racing Club, Victorian Government, Animal Welfare Victoria

At Flemington Racecourse, where the Melbourne Cup horse race is held, large music festivals have become a new norm. Just 500 meters away, in the stables, horses are being subjected to loud music, heavy bass, and the use of pyrotechnics, all of which are causing them immense distress. Stable hands have reported that these concerts cause horses to panic, jump, and rear in their stalls. 

Sign the petition to demand a ban on these disruptive festivals at Flemington to protect horses from unnecessary stress and harm!

One stable hand recalled receiving a call to help "calm the horses" after an event, where the animals were "going berserk." Some were even put at risk of injury due to the overwhelming noise.

The Victoria Racing Club argues that they are in compliance with noise limits, but the reality is that these horses are still suffering. As the events get louder and more frequent, it's clear that these animals' well-being is being sacrificed for profit. 

Even more concerning, the use of pyrotechnics – loud fireworks and flashing lights – has further exacerbated their fear and distress. Horses, especially those housed at Flemington, are sensitive creatures, and they should not have to endure such trauma for human entertainment.

Sign the petition to protect the horses, and demand that Flemington no longer hosts these harmful events!

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