Declaration of fealty to the U.S. Constitution
Declaration of Fealty to the Constitution of the United States and of Independence from the Tyranny of the Wealthy, Corporations, and Reactionary Forces Seeking to Undermine or Suspend the Constitution
Trump and his lawless goons will only take our beloved Constitution from us when they pry it from our cold, dead hands
We, the citizens of the United States who remain faithful to the words, principles, and purposes of our U.S. Constitution do hereby resolve to reject any attacks on the Constitution, any attempt to suppress, suspend, or undermine the Constitution, or any change which is not achieved through the established formal amendment process.
It is hereby resolved and agreed that threats to our Constitution shall be met with our most dedicated and forceful endeavors. Threats to our democratic form of government, with its balanced powers, checks and balances, separation of church and state, and divided functions, with the Congress having jurisdiction of and supremacy over the Executive, and the Supreme Court under the authority and supervision jointly of the Congress and the Executive must be and will be challenged with every legal means at our disposal.
We are sworn to protect and defend the Constitution, as is the President and all officers within all branches of the government. Should the President, any president, again fail in the future to protect and defend the Constitution and the agencies of government, we will demand swift action according to the laws and the Constitution to stop those actions and to remove that president from office.
It is further resolved that our electoral processes, and our government and its institutions have been compromised and corrupted by decisions of the corrupted U. S. Supreme Court. The high court’s decisions in recent decades have abandoned sound logic (i. e., corporations bizarrely as fully equal to people, and money treated the same as human speech!). Disregarding the principles which formerly prohibited bribery and the inappropriate payment of money and the diversion of funds in excess of reasonable limits, and even now allowing the inclusion of funds from foreign contributors, introducing bias and unfairness into elections via massive propaganda campaigns and demagoguery, with no credible justification are anti-democratic and highly unethical actions and decisions. We will oppose these injustices and perversions vigorously and we will demand that the gross abuse of the electoral process by those through undue financial largess and bribery be stopped with all due speed.
Corporations are artificial and fictitious creations of people to serve very limited and specific narrow purposes. A corporation should never under any circumstances have rights and privileges which cause the subjugation, abuse, unjust harm, or degradation of real people or their institutions.
Money is a useful tool. Money may legitimately facilitate speech in certain instances. Money may provide opportunity for constructive and beneficial speech for individuals and groups, or too often it may be used for nefarious and detrimental purposes. It can never be permitted to inappropriately deny a voice to private citizens or to completely drown out those who lack money and influence on the basis alone of who is in possession of prodigious amounts of money. Money is NOT speech by any stretch of the imagination and may not be used in an unrestricted manner in determining which issues and which people are considered by the public in elections.
It is enshrined in the Constitution that “all men are created equal”. We abhor the pretentions and false assumptions of white supremacy, male superiority, Christian Nationalism, Christian Dominion, Cristo-fascist ideology, and excess privileges and status which have erroneously been misappropriated by certain individuals and groups and especially by those with obscene wealth. We condemn the elevation of extremist right-wing propaganda on the airwaves using deception, duplicity, distraction, degradation of others, and bold lies by grossly over-paid charlatans, sycophants, and sanctimonious fools. We are united in our resolve to rectify these errors, abuses, and attacks on our democracy and we will consolidate and combine our resources and efforts to restore sanity, decency, and equality for all citizens, as well as security and opportunity for those seeking refuge and asylum.
Public services must be privatized only temporarily under emergency conditions, only if and when there is sufficient evidence that there is a clear advantage to the public, only when the public has been fully and openly made aware of the pros and cons of such a change, and only after there has been a process by which the public is able to participate and vote. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the Postal Service, public schooling, and similar governmental services are inherently public and not profit-making enterprises. Public needs and services must never be dependent upon and subjected to the whims or uncertainties of consumers, market conditions, or investor over-ambition and avarice.
Any use of military personnel or resources to persecute, intimidate, harass, detain, or deport individuals of any status and to separate families with cruelty and brutality and without due process is a violation of our Constitution and its principles and will be resisted with great determination and fortitude. We are a nation of laws, not of men. The assertion that no man is above the law must now be reinstated, however necessary.