Removing foie gras from our county is a small step, but a great place to start. It is unacceptable for any business to profit off of the horror that is foie gras. We have already successfully gotten two other restaurants in our area to take it off their menus for good and, all within 32 hrs! Papillon is the second to last establishment that still serves foie gras and refuses to stop. We will end that.
Foie Gras means "fatty liver" in French. Most people would be disgusted to eat an animals diseased organ but Foie Gras is exactly that. These ducks are force fed more than they would ever eat alone through a large metal tube shoved down their throat until their livers become diseased and almost 10x its normal size. They are then sent to slaughter and their livers are eaten as a "delicacy". The female ducks and chics are killed right away because their livers don't produce the same type of product that the male livers do, They are killed by neck breaking, gas, head stomping or simply, ripping their heads off or thrown out back it trash bags to slowly suffer until they die.
Because of how great the abuse is many areas, states and countries, have banned the production of Foie Gras due to the extreme cruelty it causes. The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that foie gras production violates the country’s cruelty-to-animals laws, and the practice is now banned in Israel. Foie gras has been banned in Argentina, Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Holland, Italy, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and California. These places have banned foie gras because of the extreme abuse the ducks are put through. "hand feeding" is still FORCE feeding. "Free range" birds still get force fed and brutally slaughtered.
THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT PART. Please rate PAPILLONS facebook so their rating goes down. It's one of the most important things to do because it effects their over all review.
Cheif Philip-Georges Davis,
Your refusal to stop serving and profiting off of something as horrific as foie gras is unacceptable for our community. Your lack of compassion and blatant disrespect towards the torture these birds are put through every second of everyday speaks volumes of your restaurant AND more sadly of yourself.
Please help us in turning our community into a more conscience and compassionate place. History shows we have made a lot of mistakes and misunderstandings. Africa Americans were seen as less intelligent and as property or things that slave owners could do anything with, no matter how cruel. We were wrong. Women were seen as weak individuals and less intelligent than men. We were wrong. It's called evolving. It's called seeing our mistakes and taking responsibility for them by doing and being better.
Foie gras has been banned across the globe because people know it's not ok to force feed an animal until they become diseased and then slaughtered. PLEASE stop serving foie gras, I know you know better so please be and do better. This is a positive step for our community, your restaurant AND animals. Why would you fight that? It makes no sense.
Kelly L.
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