"Tortured dog found abandoned, covered in maggots, trapped in tar and left to die."The headline of the Mirror says it all. Someone heartlessly abused a dog and left it to its fate in a sickening state. Luckily, the dog was rescued just in time. It was found barely clinging on to life in Taiwan's Wuri District.
When rescuers discovered it the pooch was covered in tar and hard mud and its skin was oozing with maggots. No one knows who the dog belongs to, but what is clear is that
this dog has suffered so much already and is lucky to be alive. The person who did this must be caught and brought to justice.
Taiwan has strong animal protection laws and rescuers and animal lovers from around the world hope they will do all they can to find the animal who nearly killed this poor puppy.
Add your name to the chorus of people demanding justice. Sign the petition and ask Taiwanese officials to search for the animal abuser and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.