Reject Ordinance to Care for Cat Colonies

  • par: Animal Advocates
  • destinataire: Betsy Price, Fort Worth Mayor - W.B. Zimmerman, District 3 - Frank Moss, District 5 - Jungus Jordan, District 6 - Dennis Shingleton, District 7 - Joel Burns, District 9

The Fort Worth City Council is considering a Trap-Neuter-Return ordinance that will affect resident caregivers' right to care for feral cats by imposing fines and penalties and interfering with caregivers’ privacy by requiring them to register to care for a colony of cats.

Alley Cat Allies thinks the proposed ordinance is flawed. Instead of stabilizing the cat population, the ordinance's registration requirements and penalties for non-compliance will have the opposite effect. Fewer residents will do Trap-Neuter-Return for feral cats, resulting in an increase in the feral cat population in Fort Worth.

SOURCE and Additional Petition (for Ft. Worth Texas residents only):

We urge you to reject the mandatory registration of citizen volunteers who donate their time and hard-earned money to do TNR, and adopt a version with Alley Cat Allies' revisions that will increase the amount of TNR performed and humanely address the feral cat population without unwarranted government intrusion.

Fort Worth Mayor
Betsy Price
3908 Summercrest
Fort Worth, TX 76109
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 100066
Fort Worth, TX 76185
Telephone: 817-392-6118
Fax: 817-392-6187
Email Mayor Price

District 3
W.B. "Zim" Zimmerman
11400 Northview Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76008
Mailing Address:
11400 Northview Drive
Aledo, TX 76008
Office: 817-392-8803
Fax: 817-392-6187
Cell: 817-929-9450

District 5
Frank Moss
5625 Eisenhower Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76112
Telephone: 817-392-8805
Fax: 817-392-6187

District 6
Jungus Jordan
5316 Starry Court
Fort Worth, TX 76123
Telephone: 817-392-8806
Fax: 817-392-6187

District 7
Dennis Shingleton
8600 Crosswind Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76179
Telephone: 817-392-8807
Fax: 817-392-6187

District 9
Joel Burns
2420 S. Adams St.
Fort Worth, TX 76110
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 12663
Fort Worth, TX 76110
Telephone: 817-392-8809
Fax: 817-392-6187

The Fort Worth City Council is considering a Trap-Neuter-Return ordinance that will affect resident caregivers' right to care for feral cats by imposing fines and penalties and interfering with caregivers’ privacy by requiring them to register to care for a colony of cats.

Alley Cat Allies thinks the proposed ordinance is flawed. Instead of stabilizing the cat population, the ordinance's registration requirements and penalties for non-compliance will have the opposite effect. Fewer residents will do Trap-Neuter-Return for feral cats, resulting in an increase in the feral cat population in Fort Worth.

We urge you to reject the mandatory registration of citizen volunteers who donate their time and hard-earned money to do TNR, and adopt a version with Alley Cat Allies' revisions that will increase the amount of TNR performed and humanely address the feral cat population without unwarranted government intrusion.


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