Remove I kick cats page from Facebook and prosecute the creator for publishing cruel posts!!! This is a new animal abuse/animal hater group page on Facebook I reported to Interpol earlier today (because Facebook often doesn´t care), they post cruel and mean things about animal abuse, especially about abusind cats and praise that abuse, here´s 1 post I just saw and copied:

Hill Brine hat die Gruppenbeschreibung aktualisiert.
2. Februar um 12:55
this group is for cat kicking mother fuckers feel free to upload videos of u abusing animals ESPECIALLY STINKING ASS PISSY CATS

The upper text´s in German, it says Hill Brine, the loser who created the page, updated the description of the group, this group has to be removed, and Hill Brine has to be prosecuted for posting such cruel things!!!
But I also ask all Care 2 members to copy the group link and report it to Interpol, here´s the link to Interpol´s homepage, please scroll down and click on contact, and then on send e-mail:


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