Help save Makoon the Orphan Bear cub

The Humane Society of Canada is asking for your help to save the life of "Makoon," a 30 pound male orphaned black bear cub.  While we are grateful to Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger for responding to our call and that of many others to originally spare "Makoon's" life, we believe he is receiving poor advice from his wildlife biologists about what happens next.  With over four decades of experience across Canada and around the world in dealing with bears, The Humane Society of Canada has in the past provided support for a well known bear sanctuary called Bear With Us which is the best place for "Makoon." Here he can spend the next 18 to 19 months under the careful supervision of bear rehabilitation experts who can gradually reintroduce "Makoon" back into the wild where he belongs and Bear With Us have already agreed to care for him.

Regrettably, instead, "Makoon" is now being kept in a concrete zoo, and Premier Selinger’s wildlife biologists have wrongly advised him that is ok to release this young cub back into the wild by himself within the next month, even though he is only about 5 and half months old.  Imagine releasing a terrified bear cub, unable to defend himself, into the wilderness, without food or shelter, all alone in the dark to a short lived cruel existence.  This kind of advice being given to Premier Selinger by his own staff isn't even science --- it isn't even common sense.

Please sign our petition to ask Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger to reconsider his decision and send "Makoon" to Bear With Us Sanctuary where they can give him a fighting chance for survival.  Please tell as many of your friends and family about this and urge them to sign; and if you have the time, please write a polite respectful letter to Premier Selinger asking to spare "Makoon's" life.

The Humane Society of Canada is asking for your help to save the life of "Makoon," a 30 pound male orphaned black bear cub.  While we are grateful to Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger for responding to our call and that of many others to originally spare "Makoon's" life, we believe he is receiving poor advice from his wildlife biologists about what happens next.  With over four decades of experience across Canada and around the world in dealing with bears, The Humane Society of Canada has in the past provided support for a well known bear sanctuary called Bears With Us which is the best place for "Makoon." Here he can spend the next 18 to 19 months under the careful supervision of bear rehabilitation experts who can gradually reintroduce "Makoon" back into the wild where he belongs and Bears With Us have already agreed to care for him.

Regrettably, instead, "Makoon" is now being kept in a concrete zoo, and Premier Selinger’s wildlife biologists have wrongly advised him that is ok to release this young cub back into the wild by himself within the next month, even though he is only about 5 and half months old.  Imagine releasing a terrified bear cub, unable to defend himself, into the wilderness, without food or shelter, all alone in the dark to a short lived cruel existence.  This kind of advice being given to Premier Selinger by his own staff isn't even science --- it isn't even common sense.

Please sign our petition to ask Manitoba Premier Peter Selinger to reconsider his decision and send "Makoon" to Bears With Us Sanctuary where they can give him a fighting chance for survival.  Please tell as many of your friends and family about this and urge them to sign; and if you have the time, please write a polite respectful letter to Premier Selinger asking to spare "Makoon's" life.


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