Boycott Corporations Using "Inversion" to Avoid Taxes

  • par: B Thomas
  • destinataire: Burger King, Warren Buffet, United States Congress

Companies moving their corporate offices outside of the United States is harmful to the United States and American workers by sending jobs and taxable income overseas.  If Burger King were an individual and not a corporation, moving overseas would not remove the tax liability. It would still owe the American government for the income made in the U.S.  

There is no reason why any corporation based in the U.S. should be able to exploit this loophole, leaving the federal government and the American people to pick up the tab. Closing this tax loophole would keep American companies in the U.S. and force them to pay their fair share of taxes. 

 Warren Buffett agreed to provide funds to support a takeover of Canada-based Tom Horton. Here is a web site listing other corporations who have moved their corporate headquarters and screwed the American people.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Please encourage others to sign this petitions. If Walgreen can change their mind to move their corporate offices, so can Burger King....but we THE PEOPLE must speak out!
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