Retire the Oregon Zoo Elephants To A Sanctuary

  • par: Joey Lynn
  • destinataire: To be delivered to Randy Tucker, Legislative Affairs Manager and Tom Hughes, Metro Council President

Free the Oregon Zoo Elephants

Two of Oregon Zoo's elephants have tuberculosis, all the elephants suffer with chronic, painful foot ailments and they display emotional misery by constant pacing, kicking walls and doors, repetitive swaying and head-bobbing.

Zoo official have failed to expand the elephants' living area with the money they received from a 2008 bond issue. What have they done with the bond money designated for this purpose? Elephant exhibits and breeding programs are profit driven exploitation and it is time overdue for the Oregon Zoo to close its exhibit and retire the elephants to a sanctuary. With strong evidence from scientists, animal behavior experts and responsible animal rights organizations, it is no longer debatable whether captivity contributes to serious physical and emotional problems for elephants. IT DOES.


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