Tell Jared NO! Keep the "Peace Plan" to Yourself

  • par: Americans For Peace Now
  • destinataire: Jared Kushner, President Trump's Senior Advisor for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Jared Kushner, appointed by his father-in-law President Donald Trump to come up with what Trump called "the Ultimate Deal" for Israeli-Palestinian peace, has signaled that his "peace plan" does not aim to achieve a two-state solution.

A plan like this is neither pro-peace nor pro-Israel, and blocks realization of Palestinian aspirations for self-determination in a sovereign state. The danger is not that it will be "dead on arrival", but also because even as it fails, it will move the goalposts and make it more difficult for a future US administration to return to the two-state paradigm.

We can't let this happen.

Join us. Tell Kushner: Don't release this destructive plan! Keep your plan to yourself!

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