Reparation Scam Bill Take A Stand

The history of black caucus they oppress black Americans with Joe Biden bill for 1994 to incarcerated black men they also oppress black Americans again with the reparation scam bill.
This reparation bill is nothing but another scam from Democratic Party vote Red or hit the couch.
They are ones that keep black Americans back. Look at what ( Democratic Partry) done for illegal immigrants nothing for black americans or Americans.  This is for all Democrats that are representative in all 50 states that has done anything for black community. 
They put illegal immigrants in black Americans community and made everybody life a living hell.
Vote for policy not for skin color. Boycott Democratic in all 50 states from local elections to president. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD. We support you Chicago, California and Boulder Colorado. 

Check out Chicago, andNewYork, see what issues black Americans are having from illegal immigrants. These illegal immigrants are in black Americans neighborhood and giving black Americans problems.

Let this petition go viral and support  Chicago,California and all black Americans that been suffering under Democratic  umbrella


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