Prevent Strip Mining in The Adirondacks

We need to make sure that mining companies do not get supported by the state to develop in the Adirondacks. As a group of concerned citizens, we can advocate for ecological preservation of the Adirondack park.

The NYCO Amendment allows NYCO Minerals to mine out up to 200 acres of old growth forest in the Jay Mountain Wilderness. This is not a petition against that Amendment but an expression of concern about the the park being traded off to private companies like this mineral company.

It want to express trepidations toward the future of the park because future legislation of this kind may end up putting a price on protected Adirondack forests. They are ecologically invaluable, protected lands. No amount of money, advertisements or supposed economic benefits are more important than the ecology of this forest. Your name will help prevent corporations from taking this forestland to the bank.

We can decide to advocate for ecological preservation in the Adirondacks. I was inspired to act as a result of the debated NYCO Amendment that passed in November, allowing the mining company NYCO to mine out up to 200 acres of old growth forest in adjacent land of the Jay Mountain Wilderness. This is not a petition against the Amendment, but rather an expression of concern regarding future, similar amendments. It is our goal to express our trepidations towards future land swaps with independent companies, especially since future legislation of this kind may end up putting a price on protected Adirondack forests.
There are both pros and cons to the implications of the Amendment, as there are with any changes to constitutional legislation. According to Article XIV of the New York State Constitution, “The lands of the state, now owned or hereafter acquired, constituting the forest preserve as now fixed by law, shall be forever kept as wild forest lands.” (source 1) The issue, as the Department of Environmental Conservation may already know, is that this is the first case in which there has been a change to environmental protection legislation for the benefit of a private company. We may not speak for the majority of citizens in New York State (given that the Amendment passed with 53% support), but we believe that we speak for the good of the state when we say that this sets a unwieldy precedent for the future of the Adirondack State Park.
This petition is also intended to suggest further awareness of the fact that the majority of voters, including much of the faculty and students at Brooklyn Friends School, were not informed of the details of this proposal before the voting day. Instead, promotion campaigns, funded by NYCO Minerals and the Vote Yes for the Adirondacks Coalition, popped up around the nearby town of Lewis, in Essex county, while the majority of voters did not even know what the meat of the matter was (source 2).
The community of Brooklyn Friends School is heartedly based on principles of equality, integrity, and environmental stewardship. We support equality and integrity for people, as well as embrace these principles towards nature. Nature will still be a vital part of our world whether or not there are economic or political opportunities to exploit it. Many citizens of New York enjoy the Adirondack Park, and believe that it should have a say in its own fate. So, we have decided to speak for the park while it may not be able to speak for itself (source 3).
Please consider advocating for the protection of the park. Avoid another land swap that threatens invaluable Adirondack land. We believe the Adirondack Park is worth fighting for, and we think the Department of Environmental Conservation should too.

Samuel James Miller

Mettre À Jour #3il y a 10 ans
One day is left before the EPA has a meeting to decide if the NYCO Amendment is legal or not. If you have 1 person sign this petition by then, with 750+ signatures, the state may be persuaded to stop this from happening. I sincerely thank you for your support.
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 10 ans
Hello again petition signers. I understand that you are concerned citizens of the world and therefore have other important things to do in your life. However, given that I have only a couple days left to publish my petition and its signatures, it is important that you have others sign this petition [if you can]. I have 425 signatures; help to get that to 1000. Thanks.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Thank you sincerely for signing my petition for Adirondack conservation from strip mining. I currently have 400 signatures out of 1000, but lately I've been getting less than 10 signatures a day. If you could contact friends or family about signing the petition, that would be AMAZING.

Time is running out before I have to submit the petition to the EPA. The faster I get to 1000 signatures, the more the petition will do and the more you'll will be heard: loud and clear.

Thank you so much.
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