Please sign and remember to share on all your media sites in an effort to get the laws changed in the Santa Cruz County of California area that allows homeowners to take authority in their own hands and shoot to kill mountain lions. The lions that attack animals are only doing what comes natural in hunting for food and it may be a better option for owners to protect their own animals from harm.
After an attack on two goats at a property on Glen Canyon Road, the property owner got a permit from the Department of Fish and Wildlife and shot the mountain lion dead. State law allows homeowners to kill mountain lions if a Fish and Wildlife representative determines that their livestock has been injured or killed by a mountain lion. State law allows homeowners to kill mountain lions if a Fish and Wildlife representative determines that their livestock has been injured or killed by a mountain lion.
There is something wrong with this law and gives the public permission to take things into their own hands instead of calling for proper authorities. Fish and Wildlife Capt. Don Kelly stated recently that there are alternatives to lethal force to deter the big cats. "We really encourage people who have animals to put them in a pen and secure them at night," he adds. Other alternatives include installing motion detecting lights to scare away pumas and keeping pet food indoors. Barking guard dogs also have worked to scare off mountain lions, but they too could become prey.
Most people raise goats and other livestock more as a hobby and not for production or food. They sometimes have the animals as a way to keep lawns and yards trimmed, needing less mowing. They have been advised that, if they have a couple of goats and or sheep, it is not so difficult to protect them by putting them away in protected areas at night. They add that "You've got to understand that you are in mountain lion territory."
Residents need to do more to protect their animals rather than think they can take the law into their own hands. That is a situation that could be fatal. The law in California needs to change and not permit homeowners to go out and shoot mountain lions on their own. Such a law can get well out of hand. Please sign and remember to share on all your media sites in an effort to get the laws changed in the Santa Cruz County of California area that allows homeowners to take authority in their own hands and shoot to kill mountain lions. The lions that attack animals are only doing what comes natural in hunting for food and it may be a better option for owners to protect their own animals from harm.
California Fish and Wildlife Leaders and Local Government – There is something extremely wrong with your law that allows anyone to carry a gun and shoot mountain lions if they harm personal property animals. Rather than taking responsibility for their own pets, this law gives people the permission to shoot the mountain lions dead. This is mountain lion country and the animals are only acting naturally when looking for food. Instruct animal owners on alternatives in keeping their pets safe and ban this law that gives everyone the free-will to shoot. Such a law can only good bad, killing the lions for no reason and possibly even harming other animals and even humans.