Save the Endangered Oriental Stork!

  • par: Chris Wolverton
  • destinataire: Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China

Every autumn, about 500 black-and-white oriental storks -- around 20% of the world's total -- rest in the Beidagang wetland reserve for about two weeks before continuing to migrate south. This year, 20 birds never took off again after hunters laid down the toxic pesticide carbofuran in an effort to kill them. At least two dozen additional birds were saved by quick action by bird watchers and rescuers.

Hunting rare wild animals is fairly common in China due to the superstitious belief that they are especially nutritious. The oriental stork, which stands nearly four feet tall with a wingspan of nearly eight feet, is venerated in China and Japan. Swans and ducks are also targeted in similar attacks.

Oriental storks are to be respected and admired, not poisoned for food. Please sign the petition to urge China's Ministry of Environmental Protection to protect these beautiful rare birds from poison attacks.

To: Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China

Every autumn, about 500 black-and-white oriental storks -- around 20% of the world's total -- rest in the Beidagang wetland reserve for about two weeks before continuing to migrate south. This year, 20 birds never took off again after hunters laid down the toxic pesticide carbofuran in an effort to kill them. At least two dozen additional birds were saved by quick action by bird watchers and rescuers.

The oriental stork, which stands nearly four feet tall with a wingspan of nearly eight feet, is venerated in China and Japan. Swans and ducks are also targeted in similar attacks.

Oriental storks are to be respected and admired, not poisoned for food. The practice of killing the storks disturbs bird watchers and researches, and compromises the survival of this legendary species. We urge you to create legislation to protect these beautiful rare birds from future poison attacks. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.


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