Appalling!! The plight of captive elephants of a World Heritage site - the Guruvayur Temple - is simply beyond anyone's comprehension!! They used to have 54 elephants in 2016, but now they have only 45 - nine elephants have died in just three years! Why? These animals are neglected and kept in the most atrocious conditions. We call it the concentration camp for elephants - the worst of its kind anywhere on the planet. Elephants are forced to stand on their urine and excrement, tethered in cruelly short chains, as you can see in this video. They stand there day and night beneath the scorching sun, no roof to shade them from the sun. Temples are considered to be sacred places that people visit to gain some solace. Temples practice and preach compassion, love and peace. However, everything that these poor elephants are subjected to goes against the rich Hindu tenets. These people are misusing the philosophies and exploiting these sacred animals in the name of culture and religion. Shame on them!!
#bekindtoelephants #animalcruelty #endanimalcruelty #stopanimalcruelty #animalabuse #endanimalabuse #stopanimalabuse #protectwildlife #justiceforanimals #justiceforwildlife
Text credit from Sangita Iyer
We demand an official investigation and immediate upgrades of the elephant's living conditions. Their welfare must be priority.