USDA: Stop Feeding Dead Piglets to Their Mothers!
A fast-spreading pig disease called porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) has killed over 2 million piglets in the U.S. since April 2013. Iron Maiden, a hog farm in Kentucky, has been grinding the dead piglets into smoothies, which they then feed to sows, possibly the piglets' own mothers.
The Humane Society's website caught this horrific practice on video during an underground investigation. The video also captures other forms of factory farm cruelty, including gestation crates. Piglets are kept in filthy, cramped conditions which encourage the spread of PEDV.
Iron Maiden is feeding sows these grim smoothies to prevent them from catching PEDV themselves. But if they improved conditions for all pigs, they would be healthier and less likely to get the disease in the first place. There is no point in raising more animals if they're just going to die of PEDV due to cramped and unsanitary conditions. Please sign the petition to urge the USDA to ban Iron Maiden and all farms from feeding dead piglets to their own mothers!
As you know, a fast-spreading pig disease called porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) has killed over 2 million piglets in the U.S. since April 2013. Iron Maiden, a hog farm in Kentucky, has been grinding the dead piglets into a slurry, which they then feed to sows, possibly the piglets' own mothers.
The Humane Society's website caught this horrific practice on video during an underground investigation. The video also captures other forms of factory farm cruelty, including gestation crates. Piglets are kept in filthy, cramped conditions which encourage the spread of PEDV.
Iron Maiden is feeding sows these piglets to prevent them from catching PEDV themselves. But if they improved conditions for all pigs, they would be healthier and less likely to get the disease in the first place. There is no point in raising more animals if they're just going to die of PEDV due to cramped and unsanitary conditions. We respectfully urge you to ban Iron Maiden and all farms from feeding dead piglets to their own mothers!