UPS Made Record Profits Last Year, but the Company Still Won't Meet Union Workers' Demands

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: UPS CEO Carol B. Tomé
350,000 UPS workers are on the brink of the biggest U.S. labor strike in the 21st century. If the United Parcel Service (UPS) company doesn't meet the Teamsters Union's demands by the new contract deadline on July 31, workers are fully prepared to walk off the job, and for good reason.

UPS workers deserve fair treatment, fair hours, and fair pay! UPS must meet the Teamsters Union's demands now!

Sign now to demand UPS agree to the Teamsters demands!

UPS reported record profits last year, and annual revenue has been high every year of the pandemic. So why, despite such high profits, is the company relentlessly laying off workers, cutting hours, and splitting shifts?

While UPS drivers tend to have livable wages, over half of UPS employees work inside distribution facilities. And some part-timers are paid as little as $15/hour. That's not enough money to live in any major U.S. city. By contrast, the Teamsters want to make sure all UPS workers are paid actual living wages.

The way UPS is treating some of its employees is despicable. One worker, who usually works 8 hour days, was told by a manager that he now must divide his hours into four hours in the morning and four late at night, which makes it nearly impossible for him to sleep normal hours or have a normal life beyond his job. Meanwhile, other workers are getting overtime. The point of all of this? To make union members upset with one another, creating division and making the union less strong.

UPS is both mistreating its workers and engaging in classic union busting tactics. But the Teamsters are ready to stand strong to defend workers rights. Sign the petition now to support them, and demand UPS agree to the Teamsters proposed contract!

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