There is a devastating drought in Zimbabwe, which has left potentially 4 million people in need. It's a tragic situation and it needs a solution as soon as possible. But selling off animals is not that solution.
The Zimbabwean government
has put an ad in the state-run newspaper asking well-off members of the public to buy some of the country's wild animals. The ten national parks include giraffe, buffalo, zebra, lion, cheetah and elephants that attract both tourists and poachers. Allowing the purchase of these animals puts them at grave risk -- some of the animals could be exported to areas where poaching is rampant, and others could be put at risk just by being bought by individuals who can't protect them.
The government claims to be putting safeguards in place to try to prevent abuse and poaching, but the desperation of the situation makes that very difficult.
Please sign the petition asking the Zimbabwean government to remove the ad to sell wildlife to the highest bidder.