It's Time to Ban the Pesticide That's Killing Birds and Bees

  • par: Erin M
  • destinataire: Governments of Canada and the European Union
A common pesticide isn't just having an effect on insects, but on migrating birds as well. A recent study has shown that birds exposed to neonicotinoids almost immediately lose their sense of direction and begin to lose weight.

This backs up a 2014 study that suggested bird populations fell drastically in areas where concentration of the insecticides was greatest. The news is troubling due to the fact that "infected" seeds are dispersed around the same time as the majority of the birds migrate. If they do in fact consume spilled, unplanted seeds and lose their compass there are serious consequences for the species populations. Migrating birds need to bulk up in order to arrive safely and ready to breed at their new destination and if they lose their sense of direction, it compounds their journey even more, potentially making it impossible.

In the EU, three neonicotinoids have already been banned from use on flowering crops since they were considered toxic to bees and other pollinators. And now, the EU and Canada are considering a complete ban on the toxin.

With global bee and bird populations plummeting, nations need to step up and get rid of the chemicals that are helping to push these important creatures to the edge of extinction. Not only do they deserve to live, but we cannot live without them. It's time to tell world leaders that no pesticide is worth the loss of the amazing biodiversity that shares our planet. Please sign the petition and encourage your government to ban neonicotinoids today.

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