Demand NYS pass the animal abuse registry

Animal abuse is on the rise. Puppies are getting all four paws cut off and left for dead, dogs are being doused with gas and lit, kittens are being duct taped on head and paws and tossed from speeding cars, cats are having fireworks taped to thier paws and tails and lit..the list of autrocities goes on and on. The toxic people who committ these horrendous crimes are getting fines and jail terms and felony charges, but there needs to be more consequences. The NYS Senate last summer passed a law for a NYS animal abuse registry, but was vetoed by the NYS Assembly later last summer. This registry would act like a child abuse registry. If these sadistic people go to adopt from a shelter or a breeder, the name would be run and adoption would halt. In addition it would alert neighborhoods that there is an animal abuser in the area and to keep your pets inside or close by. While NYS recognizes this as a "bridge crime" the Assembly needs a push to pass this law. The FBI has animal abuse on its profile as serial killers. Animal abusers are in fact, serial killer "works in progress", and need to be stopped in thier tracks. If you live in NYS, please sign this petition with your name and city you live in. This is a paramount issue in our area, CNY, and growing daily. By signing this petition you are helping poor defenseless animals be safe and making these abusers think twice before continuing thier viscious acts against animals.

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