Stop the Abuse of Farm Animals Across the Philippines

  • par: Andy Lee
  • destinataire: Animal farms and slaughterhouses in the Philippines

What we eat makes a massive difference - for our health, for the environment, for the animals. It is because of this, we must think carefully about the food that we purchase and consume.

Animals are dying at a drastically fast rate. For every 10 calories fed to animals you only get 1 calorie in terms of meat and dairy products. The production of meat and other animal products places a heavy burden on the environment - from crops and water required to feed the animals, to the transport and other processes involved from farm to fork.

We all want to believe that the meat we consume is ethical, meaning our ‘food animals’ have lived full, happy lives and that they don’t go through any pain or face fear at the slaughterhouse. However, all living creatures fear death, just like us. The animals do not live the lives we expect them to live. They are treated with such cruelty and killed with no guilt or remorse. All animals should be treated the same. Why should a dog receive love and care from us humans, while a poor pig is killed brutally? We can also contribute to helping stop animal cruelty. We can lessen or completely stop the amount of animal products we consume. By doing this, we are not only saving the lives of hundreds of animals, we are also becoming healthier people. Sign this petition and spread awareness for those animals who are suffering greatly. They don't deserve to die, they deserve a change.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 8 ans
Thank you all for the continuous support! We appreciate each and every supporter. If you'd like to, you can follow our journey on stopping animal abuse, and leading healthier lives on our Instagram account - @veganlifestyle_ph.

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