Dog Burned Alive in Gimje, S. Korea!
This incident took place around April 20, 2012 in the vicinity of Gimje Central Middle School in Gimje, S. Korea. These photographs were obtained by CARE(Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth) from the Gimje Central Middle School students who photographed and videotaped this incident and CARE has confirmed all the facts of this case from another informant as well.
According to student witnesses, this dog known as “Hindoongi” which means white dog is hanged and burned alive with a torch fire by a man who lives in that area. Students stated that Hindoongi suffered the pain of being slowly burned alive by portable torch and he seemed to have eventually died of shock.
This case where a dog is burned alive in broad daylight in front of young students shows vividly how serious the problem of animal cruelty is in S. Korean society and how backward their consciousness is about animal protection. CARE will once again actively fight to make sure the prison sentence is given for this unforgivable crime and Gimje Police is currently investigating this case. The students know the identity of this man so this animal abuser is expected to be arrested quickly. Even if this man is convicted the maximum punishment for his heinous crime is only 10,000,000 KRW (approx $8,800 USD) or one year in jail in S. Korea. This is definitely not enough punishment for such a horrendous and unspeakable cruelty.
These types of atrocities happens too often in S. Korea because eating dogs is accepted as a norm thanks to their government's shameful indifference to their dog meat industry where 2 million dogs are tortured and slaughtered every year. This case happens to be photographed and videotaped making it possible for the animal rights groups to pursue the animal cruelty charge against this man. However, dogs are being tortured and eaten hidden from people's view in secrecy all the time in S. Korea. This is a shame of S. Korea, a nation that has achieved miraculous economic and political progresses, that their animal protection law is stuck in the stone ages.
Without banning the dog meat trade and strengthening the Animal Protection Law to the global standard, South Korea will not enjoy the respect commensurate with the country's international stature. I will not support South Korean businesses or visit South Korea until these horrors come to an end.
Please also sign the petition to the Director of Animal Welfare, Kyo-Young, Seo. (Scroll down for the English text)
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