Close MSD Animal Health Laboratories for Extreme Exploitation

  • par: Borg Drone
  • destinataire: UK Government :

MSD Animal Health carried out tests on very young animals in 2013, including puppies as young as 4 weeks and kittens as young as 8 weeks. Some of the animals, including rabbits, calves and kittens, were allowed to suffer the full extent of the symptoms of serious and even deadly diseases. Thousands of dogs and hundreds of cats are used in research every year in the UK. Yet, despite the widespread public concern about their use, because of the secrecy surrounding animal research very little is known about the suffering they are forced to endure.

13th June 2013 - 3 nursing female beagles killed, 27th June 2013- 2 beagle puppies killed, 1st July 2013 - 2 beagle puppies killed, 5th July 2013 - 8 beagle puppies killed, 5th July 2013 - 120 chickens killed, 22nd August 2013 - 15 kittens killed, 4th October 2013 - 2 beagle puppies killed, 7th October 2013 - 2 beagle puppies killed, 8th October 2013 - 60 chickens killed, 10th October 2013 - 2 beagle puppies killed, 15th October 2013 - 3 beagle puppies killed, 17th October 2013 - 2 beagle puppies killed, 23rd October 2013 - 2 nursing female beagles killed, 29th October 2013 - 4 nursing female beagles killed, 25th November 2013 - 2 beagle puppies killed, 28th November 2013 - 13 beagle puppies killed, 2nd December 2013 - 1 nursing female beagle and her 4 puppies killed, 9th December 2013 - 18 rabbits killed, 30th January 2014 - 27 beagle puppies killed

Our Best Friends don’t belong in laboratories. But these cats and dogs never experienced the love of a human family or the joys of playing outside. They never saw the sky, breathed fresh air or felt the grass beneath their feet. Born to die for the research industry, their lives were cruelly cut short at just a few weeks old. Secret Suffering - Gallery

Sadly it is too late for these individuals but please help the BUAV end the appalling killing of puppies, kittens and other animals born to die in UK laboratories. UK - £4M of funding for world-leading UK research to improve the health of farmed animals including sheep, pigs, cows and poultry, in a five-year partnership between BBSRC, The Scottish Government and a consortium of leading companies from the animal breeding, animal health and farming sectors including Aviagen, BPEX*, Centre for Dairy Information, Cobb, DairyCo*, EBLEX*, Genus, Merial, Moredun Scientific, MSD Animal Health, the Scottish Salmon Producer's Organisation and Zoetis. Please sign this petition to express your dissapointment with the UK Government for funding & allowing these cruel experiments on innocent animals. Express your anger with a well written letter to MSD Animal Health @

MSD Animal Health, Walton Manor, Walton, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK7 7AJ Tel: +44 (0)370 060 3380 E-mail:

Dear UK Government

The MSD Animal Health website clearly states "MSD Animal Health is dedicated to preserving and improving the health, well-being and performance of animals"

We the undersigned agree the MSD Animal Health Laboratories are in direct violation of Animal Care and have exploited them for too long. Nessecary action must be taken against them in light of the BUAV investigation dated 03/03/2014.

We ask that the company be fined and funding from the UK agricultural technologies strategy, withdrawn. But more importantly, all animals remaining in these laboratories must be released to Animal Sanctuaries, Rescue Centers and / or, loving homes.

A-Z List of Animal Rescue Centres

The Uk is a world leader in Human Rights, We must evolve to include Animal Rights and halt all scientific testing on Innocent animals. In the year 2014 we have outgrown the need for animal testing and these laws are outdated and unethical. More to the point, We the undersigned agree the testing on animals (on human behalf) is a cowardly act and must be stopped.

We Thank you for taking Immediate action.


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