Close Texas Hunt Lodge

  • par: Kristin Cross
  • destinataire: Jack Pratt mayor of kerville texas

Trophy hunting has long been thought of as an issue that does not affect the United States, however; the United States is not free of trophy hunters. Trophy hunters often rationalize trophy hunting by stating that the hunts are for conservation purposes. In every country, for various reasons, that is an invalid excuse; in the United States that cannot even be an argument. There is not an abundance of zebra, gazelle, wildebeests, or Africa porcupines running about. In the United State there is absolutely no excuse for trophy hunting exotic or even domestic animals. These hunters are doing it for the sheer sport of the kill.
The Texas Hunt Lodge in Hunt, Texas offers both exotic and trophy hunts for prices of up to $18,500. There are about 100 exotic and domestic animal breeds that a hunter can choose from. This list includes, but is not limited to, Thompson’s Gazelle, Ostrich, White Bearded Wildebeest, Grant’s Zebra, Red Stag, Bison, Markhor, and Kudu. Somehow each of these priceless lives has been given a price. To make matters worse, as the name states, these hunting packages are offered with room and board accommodations. These hunts come with a bed and breakfast atmosphere as if these animal lives did not matter at all. There is no respect for the lives that have been taken. In addition the Texas Hunt Lodge offers elephant hair bracelets and gift certificates. GIFT CERTIFICATES!!! Absolutely barbaric! The Texas Hunt Lodge offers the people the option to bestow the gift of death to exotic and domestic offers alike.
Please take the time to sign and share this petition in order to spread the word. The Texas Hunt Lodge MUST be shut down and the animals on the grounds protected. In order to ban trophy hunting across the world we have to start somewhere.

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