Don’t Let Harvey Weinstein Get Away With Sexual Harassment

  • par: Care2
  • destinataire: The Weinstein Company Board of Directors
Hollywood can be a toxic place, especially for women, and it’s often because of people like Harvey Weinstein. According to a New York Times report, the movie mogul has been accused of sexually harassing several women who either worked for him or wanted to work with him over the past three decades.

We constantly see men in positions of power getting away with sexual harassment, whether in Hollywood, the White House, universities, or workplaces across the country. It’s time for it to stop.

Please sign this petition demanding that the Weinstein Company oust Harvey Weinstein for his misconduct and commit to ensuring that the Weinstein Company is a safe place for women to work.

Several women have spoken up with allegations against Weinstein. According to one woman, Weinstein offered to help advance her career if she accepted his sexual advances. Another woman said he harassed her into giving him a massage while he was naked, leaving her in tears. At least eight women have settled harassment claims with Weinstein out of court. In a letter addressed to executives at the Weinstein Company, employee Lauren O’Connor wrote that, “There is a toxic environment for women at this company.”

This behavior cannot be tolerated anymore. We can longer sit back and allow men to use their power to intimidate and sexually harass women with impunity.

Please sign this petition demanding that the Weinstein Company commit to making the workplace safe for women by getting rid of Harvey Weinstein immediately and implementing policies to ensure that this kind of abuse never happens again.
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
Great news! Harvey Weinstein has been fired from The Weinstein Company. But we can't let The Weinstein Company off the hook that easily. Harvey Weinstein's behavior was no secret, and The Weinstein Company allowed his toxicity to thrive for three decades. Please share this petition so we can keep pressure on The Weinstein Company to commit to making the company safe for women.
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