Support Permanent Rainbow and Trans Pride Crosswalks in New York City!

As the result of recent Care2 petitions, Washington, D.C. and Atlanta are getting rainbow and transgender pride crosswalks to honor the LGBTQ community! 

New York City has had rainbow crosswalks in the past, but not permanently. Please sign this petition to support permanent rainbow and trans pride crosswalks in NYC!

LGBTQ individuals face a number of challenging issues in our society: housing discrimination, medical gatekeeping, and higher rates of bullying, murder and suicide. My husband and I would love to see our daughter grow up in a city that is compassionate enough to signal to marginalized communities that they are supported. 

Please sign this petition to ask NYC to install permanent rainbow and trans pride crosswalks to honor the LGBTQ community!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
Partial success! The Department of Transportation painted the crosswalk outside of Stonewall Inn with the colors of the pride flag! And we just heard from the mayor's office that the city will revisit the permanence of the crosswalk in the Spring to see how it holds up over the winter. Thank you so much to all who signed!

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