Investigate and Arrest Offenders of Biggest Dog Fight Ring in Florida

  • par: SUE LEE
  • destinataire: Central Florida Apopka Police

Please sign and share this petition everywhere in an effort to fully investigate this largest dog fighting ring ever in Central Florida, arrest and charge all involved in this cruel activity. When alarmed by the bust from police, some 40 men and women scattered everywhere throughout the night, leaving behind many personal items. Sadly, dozens of dogs were noted with injuries suffered as a result of fighting. We need to continue our quest to put an end to dogfights nationwide, including this large one found in Central Florida.

We often wonder, when will these dog fighting rings stop?? Apopka police officers were summoned to a home in Central Florida where they came across one of the largest dog fighting rings they have seen throughout the state. Several dozen suspects were arrested and many dogs removed from the scene; dogs that have been bred specifically to kill!

A spokesperson fighting against animal cruelty states "We've seen a lot more interest from law enforcement on taking down dogfighters. Almost everyone at these dogfights is a hard-core criminal. You don't have anyone leaving the dogfight to go to church." More than 26 people were taken into custody and two children ages 3 and 5 were also found at the scene. They were placed with grandparents away from the deplorable feces-filled home they knew. What is also appalling is that, of the 26 people arrested, at least two of them have prior cases involving animal cruelty or violating county nuisance-animal ordinances dating back to 2004 and 2005: Adell Dawson, 39, and Benjamin Ponder, 26.      

Emaciated dogs were left behind in pools of blood, dilapidated cages and dirty chains. Several animals were taken by animal control, which said many of them are in poor health and on the "verge of death." Investigators said they also believe several dogs could be buried on the property. "I don't know who finds entertainment in torturing, or thinks that animals attacking and fighting to the death is entertaining. I don't understand that," stated one of the officials at the site. In the back of the house, police uncovered a training room with a dog treadmill and a punching bag.

Through additional investigation of the property, they found caged chickens, a rabbit and a raccoon that were all used as bait animals to incite the dogs. In all, they removed 34 of the dogs, mostly pit-bull mixes. Animal investigators claim it is too early to say what will happen to all the dogs, stating "We will be assessing them to determine the level of their health and caring for them while the investigation is ongoing. " Among the dogs rescued was mother and her puppies.

All these people involved need to be punished severely and banned from working with, owning or even coming within inches of another animal the rest of their lives. If the punishment would have fit the crime the first time, maybe there would not be repeat offenders!! Please sign and share this petition everywhere in an effort to fully investigate this largest dog fighting ring ever in Central Florida, arrest and charge all involved in this cruel activity. When alarmed by the bust from police, some 40 men and women scattered everywhere throughout the night, leaving behind many personal items. Sadly, dozens of dogs were noted with injuries suffered as a result of fighting. We need to continue our quest to put an end to dogfights nationwide, including this large one found in Central Florida.


Central Florida Apopka Police - Please do a full investigation on this huge dog fighting ring so that you can find justice for all the animal victims involved; those who have been bred to kill and be killed to a bloody end! All these suspects need to be punished severely with lengthy jail times, exuberant fines and banned from coming anywhere within inches of an animal for the rest of their lives. If such penalties were in place, some of these people would not be repeat offenders. Please help the animals from such abusers and get these criminals off the streets and away from animals!


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