He Abandoned and Neglected His Pets Until One Was 'Eaten Alive by Fleas'

A man in the UK left a small shivering Shih Tzu dog as well as a cat alone at home for multiple months - abandoning the little dog to become hungry, sick, and to suffer. Tragically, that neglect ended up costing the pup, Chewie, his life.

By the time veterinarians were able to intervene, Chewie the dog had become covered in fleas that had essentially 'eaten [him] alive,' leaving him with intense blood loss, chronic anemia (iron deficiency), and dehydration.

His fur was also covered in painful mats, and he'd endured significant muscle loss.

Experts said they had no choice but to euthanize the poor pup since his condition was too far gone, and he had already suffered too much. Fortunately, they were able to rescue the man's pet cat, and are rehoming the animal to be with a safe, loving forever family.

Authorities in the UK charged the man for these crimes and have banned him from owning pets ever again in the future. This is wonderful, and will help protect future animals to ensure they don't experience the same fate.

However, this man - and anyone who comes into contact with him - could also benefit from him receiving counseling to address why he thought leaving pet animals alone for months was acceptable. Sign the petition to ask for mental health counseling now!

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