Save Flying Foxes!

  • par: Lynn Hamilton
  • destinataire: Pravind Jugnauth, Prime Minister of Mauritius

The Mauritian flying fox is a fruit eater and Mauritius Island's most efficient seed spreader. So why are Mauritian fruit farmers killing off this valuable and endangered bat?

The Mauritian government is doing nothing to protects its absolutely unique and wonderfully charismatic flying foxes. Worse, it authorizes a "cull" every other year. And these culls slaughter about a half of the island's flying fox population every time. The Mauritian government claims that there are plenty of bats because they use an inefficient counting method. The island's own scientists think all the bats are getting counted twice. Furthermore, the flying fox is one of the few original species inhabiting Mauritius.

Please join me in pressuring the Mauritian government to outlaw culling and hunting of fruit bats, also known as flying foxes.

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 7 ans
Dear Signers,
Thank you so much for signing the petition, "Save Flying Foxes." By the end of this month, I will have delivered your signatures to the Mauritian government. I think you might be interested in another petition that asks Lara Trump to stop the Trump family from trophy hunting:
Would you please sign the above petition also? Thank you so much!

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