Investigate, Prosecute and punish Elon Musk for his (Possibly) illegal million-dollar payments to help Trump

Elon Musk is holding a $1,000,000 lottery each day for registered voters who sign a petition, as a way of gathering supporters for Trump. There's just one problem:

"Federal law makes it a crime for anyone who "pays or offers to pay or accepts payment either for registration to vote or for voting." It's punishable by up to five years in prison."

"When you start limiting prizes or giveaways to only registered voters or only people who have voted, that's where bribery concerns arise," said Derek Muller, an election law expert who teaches at Notre Dame Law School. "By limiting a giveaway only to registered voters, it looks like you're giving cash for voter registration." (source)

Don't let Musk ignore the law, and buy the election for Trump. Investigate, and if appropriate, charge him, punish him, and put him in prison.

(Note: We have updated the language, given Musk's updates, which we are assessing) 

Mettre À Jour #1il y a 3 heures
UPDATE: "After legal outcry over the weekend, Musk's group tweaked some of their language around the sweepstakes."
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