After roughly 20 years, on May 31, 2024.. the senior residents of the Harvest Lodge in Fairview Alberta (1 of 4 facilities under the North Peace Housing Foundation) were given notice that as of June 3,2024 the snacks supplied to them in their breakfast nook (cozy corner) would no longer be available to them unless residents went down the 3 levels and ask kitchen staff for a snack. Donations of snack items were donated to the cozy corner on June 14 and by June 16 were removed by staff members The foundation emailed stating no food donations other than fresh fruit and vegetables could be donated according to food regulations. This has been confirmed to be FALSE information.
    This petition is asking the Foundation to restock the cozy corners with the items the senior residents have been accustomed to since all their leases were signed as part of the features in the move in tour. (This is their HOME).
    The reason given by the Foundation to stop stocking the breakfast nook was simply “to streamline” all the lodges throughout the foundation.
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