Alabamians Oppose The Rebuild Alabama Act


On March 8th, 2019 the House of the Representatives of the State of Alabama passed what's known as the "Rebuild Alabama Act" which is an increase of .10¢ on every single gallon of gas that is bought and purchased in Alabama's borders.  This is in addition to the ad valorem tax that we currently pay based on the value of our vehicles, the tag tax that currently supports our public schools, county revenue taxes and city revenue.  Also, if you have a "vanity tag" you're charged an additional $50.00 for the luxury of having a personalized tag on your registered vehicle.  Many people drive to work and commute up to 80 miles a day.  This is all usually to do factory work for around $17-28 an hour for regular workers NOT SENIOR MANAGEMENT.  This tax increase will do nothing but hurt the working class people of Alabama, many of whom are struggling as conditions currently stand.  There has been no vote on this measure that was brought to registered voters by "We the People" and we have had no say in this matter.  We the People call for a referendum on this matter IMMEDIATELY, before it is brought to the Senate of Alabama for a vote and presented to Governor Kay Ivey.

The nature of a democracy is that substantial measures that affect the common good especially influence the realms of personal economics, personal welfare, and individuals' ability to commute to work.  Most people in our State either commute to work in a personal registered vehicle, ride the City bus (the fares will increase to accommodate this new legislation), or participate in a ride share program where they have to pay their share of the commuter expenses.  This will also affect the Disabled community who is already strained financially and have close to zero options for transport.  The ability of supplies to travel across our great state, and other means of interstate commerce should not be hindered or impeded by laws that restrict the flow of business between Alabama and other states as well as travel between cities.  The "Rebuild Alabama Act " not only affects our generation but our future generation and makes things even harder for working class families.  Working class married couples who have two incomes are barely making ends meet.  Single people with one income are also overtaxed and underpaid while struggling to get by paycheck to paycheck.  This is atrocious.


In accordance with the measures stated above, in the primary interests of the people of Alabama, we call forth the following resolution:

We the People of Alabama demand a full public audit of the General Discretionary Fund.  We the People demand a discretionary breakdown that reveals the funds distributed to each cause and each county monies were allotted to become publicly distributed before the vote goes to the Senate of the State of Alabama.  

We the People demand that the breakdown of the additional tax upon the public be released in full into public record.  By law, this means that these records will also be admissible via the FOIA.

In accordance with the basic tenets of democracy, We the People of Alabama demand that no tax be levied upon us without an official state-wide vote on the measure that results in a YES vote.

To the elected officials that voted against our State's best interests in this matter and voted YES, We the People would like to remind you that we voted for you to be in office, but we can also vote to have you removed.   

 In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 that prohibits federal and state agencies from releasing written information about an individual without his or her consent in writing we demand that the signatories of this petition have their privacy secured.

In closing, the citizens of Alabama have their best interest of the State in mind.  Government agencies are supposed to be helpful and have the best interests of their constituents at heart.  We feel as if our best interests has not been heard on a local and state level before this "Rebuild Alabama Act" came to the House.  This is completely unacceptable.  This is why this petition is necessary and the behavior of our elected officials demands an immediate retaliatory response.

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