This Italian City's Iconic Ancient Dolphin Population Must Be Protected

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Italy's Ministry of Environment

In the Gulf of Taranto off the coast of Italy, scientists have made an amazing discovery: the local dolphin population could be descendants of the dolphins the Ancient Greeks saw. With over half of the Mediterranean's dolphins and whales threatened with extinction, this surprising marine haven must be protected. While Taranto's local politicians are working with scientists to establish a marine protected area (MPA) in the gulf, it is pending approval with no clear deadline. We must protect these dolphins, whose presence in these waters dates back to the city's mythological origins. 

Sign the petition to demand Italy's Ministry of Environment allow Taranto to establish an MPA quickly to protect this ancient dolphin family!

The ancient city of Taranto has thrived since 706 B.C, and is now growing into a bustling industrial hub. Home to a NATO command center and Italy's largest Naval base, the city's growing industrial activities pose severe risks to these dolphins. An MPA would boost marine preservation efforts, increase resources for research, and set rules aimed at limiting noise pollution and ship traffic.

An MPA is especially important considering Italy is among the European countries with the lowest number of MPAs, despite being one with the most miles of coastline. The Gulf of Taranto serves not only as the dolphin's habitat but as a crucial nursery for various cetacean species, making it a biodiversity hotspot that is irreplaceable.

Taranto's push towards a greener future reflects a broader commitment to revitalizing its relationship with the sea and its marine life. The establishment of an MPA is not just about protecting nature; it's about preserving a way of life and respecting a legacy that dates back millennia.

Sign this petition to urge Italy's Ministry of Environment to swiftly establish a Marine Protected Area in the Gulf of Taranto to safeguard its marine inhabitants and ensure the survival of its iconic dolphins!

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