Boston Wants Boston Creme

**Bring the Plant-Based Boston Creme Option to Boston!**

Join us in revolutionizing the Boston creme donut scene! Dunkin's UK has already embraced the future with their irresistible plant-based Boston Creme donut, and it's high time we bring this deliciously innovative treat to its namesake city. 

Imagine biting into a soft, fluffy donut filled with rich, creamy custard and topped with a luscious chocolate glaze – all completely plant-based. This isn't just a dream; it's a reality elsewhere, and we want to taste it here in Boston - the namesake city!

By signing this petition, you're not only advocating for a more inclusive menu at Dunkin', but also supporting sustainability, animal welfare, and healthier eating options. Together, we can show Dunkin' that Boston is ready for this delectable addition.

Let's make Boston the true home of the plant-based Boston Creme donut. Sign now and be a part of the tasty revolution!

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