In history, wolf hunting was to protect domestic animals and on rare occasions to protect humans, that is what they pretend.In reality it is all about manpower and showing his domination over another species like the wolf, some species of wolves are extinct in many parts of the world. It has become a controversial act and a tradition in some european,asian and american countries to show the human dominance and superiority. There will never be a justification for this cruel and irresponsible killing and it is shameful for every one who participates or encourages.

From January 2012 to June 2013, approximately 1500 wolves were killed in the United States. After a long prohibition , Minnesota permits the wolf hunt and from the estimated 3000 wolves living in this state, 412 were killed. It is the biggest population after Alaska who has about 7000 wolves. In the west of the United States more than 1000 wolves have been killed during the animal hunting season end 2011 in Montana an Idaho. Montana allows every hunter to kill 4 wolves, one reason why the number of wolves has decreased from 1674 to 625 wolves. The Federal Wildlife Protection wants to abolish the protection for the Grey wolf for almost each of the remaining 48 States including California.
In Europe, there are still countries not belong to EU Union allowing wolf hunting such as Russia ,Belarus, Ukraine, Macedonia, Albania, limited legal hunting is also allowed in EU Union countries as Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.

Wolf hunting in history was about protecting domestic animal's for their skin and in so rare moments to protect humans that what they say, but really is all about the the manpower and show its dominant on other species after some species of wolfs had extinct from other parts of world , its become controversial act in some countries in Europe