End Nicotine Testing on Animals

  • par: Animal Advocates
  • destinataire: Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director National Institutes of Health

The tobacco industry and federal government both are still funding nicotine and smoking experiments on animals. Every year in the U.S., hundreds of animals are harmed and killed in experiments to test the effects of nicotine and tobacco.

In Defense of Animals points out, "Animal experiments failed to demonstrate that exposure to cigarettes and tobacco smoke caused lung and other forms of cancer, which is now undisputed in humans."

So the point of continuing these cruel experiments is WHAT? Other than to collect government funding? We don't want our tax money to go towards conducting nicotine experiments on pregnant and newborn animals - we already know that pregnant mothers should not smoke. Stop testing and torturing animals in useless experiments to collect goverment funding.

National Institutes of Health
Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
EMail: NIHinfo@od.nih.gov

The tobacco industry and federal government both are still funding
nicotine and smoking experiments on animals. Every year in the U.S.,
hundreds of animals are harmed and killed in experiments to test the
effects of nicotine and tobacco.

In Defense of Animals points out,
"Animal experiments failed to demonstrate that exposure to cigarettes
and tobacco smoke caused lung and other forms of cancer, which is now
undisputed in humans."

So the point of continuing these cruel
experiments is WHAT? Other than to collect government funding? We don't
want our tax money to go towards conducting nicotine
experiments on pregnant and newborn animals - we already know
that pregnant mothers should not smoke. Stop testing and torturing
animals in useless experiments to collect goverment funding.


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