Loken gard: Stop breeding and selling animals to animal testing

  • destinataire: Norway`s legislators

I was extremely upset to hear that there is a farm in Norway that breeds dogs and cats for animal testing. The controversial animal research station Løken gård has for decades bred and sold animals to violent animal testing. Thousands of animals have been sent to suffering and a certain death, only so that the owners of Løken gård can make money. This is nothing but cruel. Have we become a country so focused on money that we fail to be able to recognize the basic rights of living creatures? 

More and more cosmetics companies, pharmaceutical companies and educational institutions are using nonanimal testing methodes. Animal testing is more uncertain than many other methods due to differences between species. The practice of using animals for research is quickly becoming obsolete. There is no reason for Løken gård to continue the breeding and sale of animals used for animal testing.

We can not lose more animals because of the sheer egoism that Løken gård is performing. If Løken gård is not stopped thousands more will be sold to a fate worse than death.

We must fight for the rights of creatures who can not represent themselves.

Sign the petition and stand behind the demand that Løken gård stop all breeding and sale of animals for animal testing.

Your influence can mean life or death for an innocent creature.

Thank you for your time.

A few links to documents/articles written about Løken gård:


We, the undersigned, stand behind the demand that Løken gård stop all breeding and sale of animals used for animal testing.

Animal testing is cruel, but also uncertain due to the differences between species. More and more cosmetics companies, pharmaceutical companies and educational institutions are using nonanimal testing methods.The practice of using animals for research is quickly becoming obsolete. There is no reason for Løken gård to continue breeding and selling animals for animal testing.

It is time to stop Løken gård from breeding and selling animals used for animal testing.



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