Stop Brand-Name Companies from Animal Testing

  • par: Save Animals
  • destinataire: CEO of L'Oreal, Avon, Covergirl, etc.

Last updated on Janurary 27th, 2014, a list came out with almost 200 companies that test their products on animals. The result of that is this: 

  1. An animal is exposed to a test substance, either by being forced to eat it, breathe it, have it rubbed on their skin, or have it injected. The test substance is often a household chemical, an industrial chemical, such as a pesticide, a food additive, a cosmetic ingredient, or a pharmaceutical products.
  2. Animals are observed for toxic effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, respiratory distress, appetite or weight loss, rashes and allergic reactions, skin and eye irritation, salivation, paralysis, lethargy, bleeding, tumors, birth defects, and many other harmful effects.
  3. Animals are then killed to end the experiment, worse still, their internal organs are often examined for harmful effects.

During the tests, the rabbits' eyelids are held open with clips. Many animals break their necks as they struggle to escape.

Every year, millions of animals suffer and die in painful tests to determine the "safety" of cosmetics and household products. 

We must put a stop to this.

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