Do not support animal abuse by performing at Cheyenne’s Frontier Days

  • par: Diane McEvoy
  • destinataire: John Mellencamp, Lady Antebellum w/Clay Walker, Gary Allan w/Chancey Williams & The Younger Brothers Band, Florida-Georgia Line w/Colt Ford, Brad Paisley w/Randy Houser and Leah Turner,• Kid Rock w/Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, Tim McGraw w/Kip


Cheyenne’s PR: “Cheyenne's world-class rodeo is truly the Daddy of 'em All. Known for its fast pace and large number of contestants, the CFD rodeo ensures that visitors see more rodeo action - two sections of bulls, and two sections of saddle and bareback broncs daily - than they can see at any other rodeo. Every rodeo event is performed in each of the nine daily performances, so any day at Cheyenne Frontier Days is a good day to see an exciting, action-packed rodeo.”


Congratulations. You have signed on to perform at Cheyenne’s Frontier Days. Look at that horse. Does he seem terrified to you? How can you ignore the horrific injuries that both the horses and the bulls may sustain? A quote from Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK): “Forget the myth of rodeos as all-American sport. Modern rodeos are cruel and deadly for animals. Traditional ranch work has been perverted into a spectacle of animal abuse disguised as "western tradition." Today's rodeos bear little resemblance to ranch work where care was taken to not injure animals. Modern rodeos are nothing more than western-themed circuses with contestants wearing John Wayne costumes and racing against the clock in a cruel spectacle for cash prizes all to sell sugar water, alcohol, and automobiles to the fans. And it's the animals who pay the price, from being electrically prodded to make horses and bulls appear wild to the countless injuries animals suffer from contestants who only care about>beating the clock and winning cash before moving on to the next rodeo in the next city.”

Your participation in such an animal cruelty event speaks volumes. If you had no knowledge of the abuse or you are only now aware of what will take place in the “rodeo” it is not too late to withdraw now. For all of your sakes, we hope you do.

TO: John Mellencamp, Lady Antebellum w/Clay Walker, Gary Allan w/Chancey Williams & The Younger Brothers Band, Florida-Georgia Line w/Colt Ford, Brad Paisley w/Randy Houser and Leah Turner,• Kid Rock w/Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, Tim McGraw w/Kip

You have elected to perform in July 2014 at the Cheyenne Frontier Days. Perhaps you are unaware that Cheyenne’s rodeo is notorious for being one of the most abusive rodeos in the country. Perhaps you unaware of the numbers of horses and cattle that are injured and killed during this devastating excuse for entertainment. Perhaps it has not occurred to you that by your very presence at the Frontier Days you will appear to sanction terrible animal abuse.

The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association is pro-horse slaughter. Rodeos transport their horses in double decker tracker trailers meant for transporting cattle and pigs. This transport forces horses to travel many hours with their necks bent. It is inhumane and although a bill was introduced in Congress to ban transport of horses in these trailer, a rodeo lobby killed the bill.

Guilt by association. We are providing some links to videos taken at Cheyenne Rodeo, as well as an article for your review. After viewing the videos and doing some reading you will, we hope, reconsider your performance there. Over 3000 people who have signed our petition are watching but not listening  to your music until you have publicially denounced the abuse at Cheyenne and have withdraw from participating in the event at Cheyenne Frontiere Days.


Mettre À Jour #1il y a 10 ans
Thanks to everyone who signed the petition targeting a number of popular singers for a scheduled performance at Cheyenne Rodeo Days. I would encourage each of you to go to their facebook pages and comment on the fact that their upcoming performance sanctions the death and abuse of rodeo animals. They are guilty by association and if their careers are in such bad shape that the only venue they can get is one at Cheyenne IT IS TIME TO GIVE IT UP.
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