Don't Let A Coal Lobbyist Control the EPA
Earlier this month, Trump appointed Andrew Wheeler, a coal lobbyist, to be the second in command of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The agency is already lead by climate change denier and all around environmental villain Scott Pruitt, and together their anti-climate and pro-energy agenda is bound to get even more aggressive.
When Trump came into office he swore he would drain the swamp. He signed an order banning any lobbyist from working for the administration on the issues for which they previously lobbied. But it looks as if, like so many of his promises, this one will be broken.
As a lobbyist, Mr. Wheeler represented Murray Energy, one of the country’s largest coal mining interests. He also previously worked for Sen. James Inhofe, who famously, in a stunning display of ignorance brought a snowball onto the floor of the Senate to prove that global warming was a myth.
Trump is quickly erasing our last line of defense to protect our world from environmental disaster. The EPA has already lost a host of professionals who have left in droves rather than work against the agency’s stated goal. Now, with the threat of a Wheeler appointment we can only expect the Trump Administration to hike up their efforts to dismantle common sense policies that work to protect our water, air quality, and minimize our impact on the environment.
Enough is enough. It is time to band together and write our senators and demand they reject Mr. Wheeler’s appointment. Sign the petition and let’s make sure our voices are heard.