Investigate Murder of 17-yr-old Muslim Girl as a Hate Crime!

  • destinataire: Division of Human Rights, Office of the Attorney General of Virginia; Attorney General Jeff Sessions, U.S. Dept of Justice
A 17-year-old girl Muslim girl named Nabra was abducted outside a mosque in Virginia and beaten to death. But the local authorities are refusing to investigate her brutal killing as a hate crime!

Sign to ask the Virginia Division of Human Rights and the U.S. Dept. of Justice to investigate Nabra's murder as a hate crime!

Nabra and a few friends were walking back to the Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center after getting food at IHOP at 3:30 AM. Nabra and her friends were observing the holy month of Ramadan, where Muslim's fast during daylight hours. Then, out of nowhere, two young men with baseball bats got out of their car and started attacking the group of young women. Most of the women escaped to the mosque (ADAMS), but Nabra was taken.

The next day at 3 PM, Nabra's remains were found nearby with a metal baseball bat. Nabra was a smart, social, lovely young woman. She just finished the 10th grade. Nabra was the eldest of four girls and her family lost her on Fathers Day.

This is a horrific crime that has obviously shaken not only this Virginia community but the Muslim community at large. Whether you are Muslim or not, this deliberate taking of an innocent young life should make you sick. Together, we can demand the crime is taken seriously by asking that it be investigated as the hate crime it obviously was.

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