Australian Cattle are Being Transported Overseas and Brutally Slaughtered to Make Leather Products

  • par: Care2 Team
  • destinataire: Australian Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud

CARE2 UPDATE 10/14/22: New Zealand just successfully signed a new bill into law that bans all live animal export beginning on April 30, 2023. This is excellent news, and shows that these changes are possible. Keep signing the petition to urge the Australian Minister for Agriculture, David Littleproud, to finally ban the live export of animals!

Scenes of abuse were recently recorded in an Indonesian abattoir were Australian cattle were being butchered alive, prodded with electrical sticks, and mistreated in a sickening moment of violence.

Sign now and tell the Australian Minister of Agriculture, David Littleproud to put a stop to the live export of Animals for international consumption!

The footage was released recently by an undercover investigator at an abattoir in West Java, Indonesia. In it, a Brahman calf is struck twice with a stun gun and rolled out onto a cold concrete platform for slaughtering. The horrifying video then shows two workers try and hold the terrified animal down and cut its throat in a brutal final act. Other cattle are seen choking to death on blood, shot, or hung on metal hooks whilst still alive. Australia still upholds legislation protecting live exports that lead to such cruelty, even though its close neighbor New Zealand banned live export of its animals all the way back in 2008 and the UK intends to follow soon. 

The shocking lack of empathy for these animals that are clearly terrified is the leverage that animal rights organizations in Australia need in order to call on live animal exports to be banned once and for all. There is simply no way to prevent such violence and abuse while animals are still being shipped out of Australia to be slaughtered!

Please sign now and tell David Littleproud to help stop the transportation of live Australian cattle and animals overseas!


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