Keep Gilmore Lane Elementary Open!!

JCPS is pushing a proposal to build a new school building on Indian Trail Elementary's property that is planned to be finished in 2021, to house both Gilmore and Indian Trail Elementary schools together. In the mean time, the board plans to close Gilmore Lane Elementary and disburse students across the county until this new building is complete, because they are wanting to move Liberty High School to the Gilmore property! We would appreciate the help to fight to keep Gilmore Lane Elementary open, atleast until the new building is complete so our students can transition together and not be separated!! With our newly renovated school, brand new playground and monument to The Hooper boys, we are a small and connected school and community that doesn't think these new changes are necessary! Help Save Gilmore Lane Elementary with us!!!

Mettre À Jour #3il y a 5 ans
Stay after school February 22, for a fun block party and to form a human chain around Gilmore lane elementary! Let's show our support for our school! Event on our PTA FB page!!!
Mettre À Jour #2il y a 5 ans
All school WALK-IN
Join the students of Gilmore Lane Elementary as we stand together before school starts Tuesday February 12th beginning at 8:30 am.
We will stand outside of school to show everyone how much we love Gilmore lane elementary and to show the board we should stay open until the new school is built. We will then all WALK-IN to school at 9:00 am. We encourage everyone to come and bring signs to show your love for Gilmore lane elementary!
Mettre À Jour #1il y a 5 ans
Thank you so much for signing our petition!!! Please take the time to click this link and contact YOUR Board Member, let them know how you feel about the closing of Gilmore effecting your family! We have 7 Board Members who will vote February 12 for this Facility Proposal and we need NO on the vote!! Please help!!
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