Urge the UK Government to Take Action and Save the Hedgehog from Extinction

  • par: Georgia B
  • destinataire: Andrea Leadsom, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Hedgehogs are becoming rare in gardens across the UK as populations continue to decline, according to a report in theguardian.com. 

Of those that participated in a recent survey, more than half of participants had never seen a hedgehog. The hedgehog population of Britain was estimated at 30 million in the 1950's. However, conservationists believe it has recently plummeted to less than a million.

Although changing weather patterns are believed to be having a negative effect on the creature's hibernation habits, chain link fences and garden netting is believed to be killing large numbers.

In addition, mowers and strimmers are adding to the problem, with hedgehogs being killed or seriously injured by unsuspecting gardeners.

Will you join me in urging the UK Government to run an awareness campaign, asking citizens to take care when using mowers and strimmers and to open connected neighbourhoods of gardens for hedgehogs by cutting holes in fences, digging tunnels under walls and limit chain link fences and football nets. Please sign and share the petition.


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